Traditional Lomi Lomi Massage is part of Hawaiian traditional medicine using rhythms, prayer, tactile contact of therapist practitioner’s ki, chi, mana, prana with guests to share Love, Aloha, to learn about each other, their heart, which are part of the expressions, conveying back and forth and wish of the practitioner for the guest and vice versa.
The Flow of Lomi Lomi is similar to musical rhythm resembling syncing with melodies of what the guest may express to their practitioner. The physical massage resembles long kneading strokes. The use of forearms and elbows by practitioner Aloha and Love for their guest can really utilize their leverage, life force, combined with accurate weight distribution bearing down with precise target points, pressure into vital organ areas, the kidneys, stomach, liver feel being massaged and manipulated. The feeling is difficult to articulate however deeply therapeutic and definitely worth experiencing personally.
Lomi Lomi Massage is difficult to understand because ki, chi, mana, prana or life force, transferring of good feelings and vibes between the therapist practitioner and guest, the meta emotional and spiritual aspects of the treatment are invisible and relegated to new age concepts. For example weight distribution and hitting target points cannot be readily seen with the eyes and felt when you sense tactile pressure on your body pressure points.
Traditional Lomi Lomi Massage resembles some of the technical features of the western Myofascial Release Massage with the long strokes and use of fingers, hands, palms, forearms and elbows in addition to features that work on;
- Improving range of motion
- Decreasing mild to serious pain, muscle strain
- Relaxing contracted muscles and promoitng overall full body relaxation
- Increasing all types of circulation such as lymph and blood flow
- Improving Restful Sleep
- Recovery Aid for Jet Lag Fatigue
But most importantly the distinct features of Lomi Lomi Massage treatment is sharing the practitioners Heart and sharing of the Aloha the literal meaning which is “Sharing the Breath of Life” and Lokahi or the general objective to “Harmonize our temple pieces of Body, Mind and Spirit”, helps to temper stress, frustration, angst, aggravation, despair and other adverse emotional states.